Hi, I'm having trouble with my daughters PC. It has started crashing, (critical process died BSOD) and after the crash, it seems that the hard drive was faulty as I get "Reboot and select proper boot device" The problem is intermittent though. Sometimes it boots up and seems to run normally for a few minutes and then it crashes again. I've checked for loose connection internally. I've reinstalled windows after removing all partitions and creating new one Checkdisk says it's fine Problem is still occurring. It's also been to 2 PC shops. First one was a terrible place and seemed to damage the soundcard also and gave up Second one was much better and said HD is OK and "everything is working now". But it's not. Thankfully neither shop charged. My next step is to buy a new hard drive and try that but I'm worried in case that's not the fault. Is it possible that there's a fault elsewhere that would cause this kind of behaviour?