What Pin the Tail on the Donkey Can Teach You about Creating a Great Tagline | Incite Creative Inc Business Articles | October 15 Francisco Cervelli World Baseball Classic Jersey , 2012 Creating a great tagline can be like playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Discover how you can hit the mark and complete the picture of your brand image.
Remember playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey when you were a kid? You were shown a picture hanging on a wall of a donkey missing its tail. A parent blindfolded you and spun you around until you were dizzy. Then you were pushed off with a paper tail trying to stick it to the donkey's rear end. As you fumbled your way forward, the giggles of your friends would give you a clue if you were aiming in the right direction, hoping you would pin the tail in just the right spot. So what can this child's birthday game teach you about creating a great tagline?
1. The Tail Completes the Picture
Developing a brand image and forgetting to create the tagline is like the donkey without a tail. Most people will see the picture and feel like something is missing. They won't get the complete essence about who you are or what your company stands for. Your tagline completes the picture. Without it Frailyn Florian World Baseball Classic Jersey , you are missing an opportunity to sum up your value and complete your brand promise.
2. It's All About Hitting the Mark
Most of the time these games wind up with tails that are tacked on in weird places. Some are stuck to the donkey's nose, some to the rib cage, and others that simply float out in space. Taglines that miss the mark create the same odd picture about your brand. Why do some miss the mark?
Some taglines fall short because they focus on catchy and forget about connecting. If your tagline doesn't resonate with your target audience Drew Maggi World Baseball Classic Jersey , they won't trust it. You need to understand your audience, their beliefs, their pain points Drew Butera World Baseball Classic Jersey , and help guide their perceptions about how your organization will service their needs in a way that is unique to the competition.
Let's take a look at some well-known taglines ...
Las Vegas: "What happens here, stays here."
Geico: "15 minutes will save you 15 percent or more"
Esurance: "Technology when you want it, people when you don't"
Nike: "Just do it."
Why do these taglines work? They create a distinctive frame of reference for their intended audiences. How many industry buzz words do you see in the samples above? None. They don't try to be cute. They simply sum up who they are and the value they provide in ease-to-understand language.
3. Create a Balance
Imagine playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey if everyone was given different size tails. Even if they were stuck in the right place Daniel Descalso World Baseball Classic Jersey , they would either make the body look unable to support an oversized tail or it would appear insignificant. Similarly, your tagline needs to compliment the other elements of your brand identity ? your organization or productservice name and logo. Your tagline must work in concert with the other two elements, adding additional value without being redundant. It must be concise Chris Colabello World Baseball Classic Jersey , relevant, authentic, and current. When combined with an effective name and logo Carlos Teran World Baseball Classic Jersey , you are creating opportunities for prospects to connect with your brand. It's then up to you to deliver on your promise.
For more information about creating a great tagline that completes your brand image, call us at (410) 366-9479.
Walking ?Does It Really Work In Losing Weight? Health Articles | August 20, 2009 If you wish to lose weight Brandon Nimmo World Baseball Classic Jersey , you will find that only a small number of ways are there that are easy to follow. Walking is one of such ways. In losing weight, walking is the most effective way to lose weight yet it is the most overlooked exercise too. If you do not follow any exercise schedule, then you cannot expect to lose weight at all. Many simply rely on dieting or the various diet suppressant aids. Exercise needs proper time management and in today?s hectic life it is very difficult to fit into a regular exercise plan.
You must understand the importance of burning body fat and lose the extra calories in a weight loss program. Nothing can be a better means to burn these extra calories than a proper exercise regime. It is the most effective way to lose weight. We bring to you few steps to lose weight simply by walking.
Walking is one form of exercise that does not require you to go to any gym or buy expensive fitness machines. It needs not more than thirty minutes of your day. All you need to do is to take out these thirty minutes from your busy schedule and walk. If you cannot go outside all the times then you can do this on the treadmill also. Many people find the idea of going for a walk very boring. So what they can do is plan it with your friends or take an ipod or cd player with you. It is best if you can do this on all the days of the week. However Alex Maestri World Baseball Classic Jersey , even walking for four to five days a week is also not bad.
If you opt to use a treadmill for walking, it is even better. Walking on a treadmill is much more effective than walking on the ground as it burns more calories for the same duration of walking. You can also combine both which means that for some days you can go out for a walk and for some days you can walk on the treadmill. A twenty minute run on the treadmill for two to four times a week is enough to give you immediate results.
Jogging outside is also another option and is more effective than both normal walking and treadmill running. It is best if you can do all these three exercises every week.