ENTERTAINMENT & PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE NOW! "As we celebrate our twentieth (20th) anniversary as one of Hollywood's most prominent entertainment PR firms Nemanja Vidic Jersey , I'm convinced that our intern program continues to be one of the most dynamic in the entire entertainment industry. Since 1983, over 2,200 interns have passed through our doors. We now estimate that over 250 hold prominent jobs within the entertainment industry, having begun their career as an intern in our office." -- Michael Levine Prestigious Entertainment Public Relations firm is seeking Interns to assist one of its busy Publicists. This is an unpaid position for dedicated, reliable individuals eager to learn and experience a real work environment and which offers the following:
* Knowledge Rodrigo Palacio Jersey , experience and opportunity for someone seeking a career in the entertainment or public relations fields.
* College credit in accordance with your educational institution's policies on internships.
The Levine Communications Internship Program requires a minimum of 15-20 hours per week. Opportunities are what you make them - the more time invested, the more knowledge and experience gained. Duties include working as an assistant to one of the firm's press agents, doing computer work, information gathering, research Yao Jersey , administrative and general office work. Candidate must possess writing and telephone skills and have an obsessive attention to detail.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn about Publicity and Show Business from an accomplished member of the entertainment industry willing to offer general career counseling during the internship period in addition to the experience offered. A desire to explore career positions in PR andor entertainment is a plus.
This is an Equal Opportunity position.
Positions are available beginning immediately. Interested parties should call Clarissa directly at 310.248.6222, ext. 14, as soon as possible for an interview. INTERNSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE ON A YEAR ROUND BASIS.
Read what LCO interns have to say about their experience: "As a college student who is struggling with my specific direction I can not think of a better way to get hands on experience and gain real knowledge (not out of a textbook) in my field of interest." -- Courtney
"I love learning and I feel everyday that I am learning a lot from this firm. I am learning how to adapt to a new and challenging environment. I am glad that we have regularly scheduled intern meetings because I feel it creates an opportunity for a more open dialog with the president of the company." -- Kevin
"This internship has given me the opportunity to get an inside look at what a public relations firm is all about and how a successful one runs. I am excited to have this opportunity to work for such a successful company filled with hard working, warm and friendly people making my internship at your company a very positive experience." -- C.M.
"Being an intern for Levine Communications is a good educational experience for me. It makes me feel highly valued because I am being given so much more responsibility than ever before. I know for a fact that when I leave here Mauro Icardi Jersey , this experience will have an impact on what I do with my future." -- Bernadette
"My time at Levine Communications has been quite rewarding. I am definitely learning the different aspects of the public relations world and how important research is in PR. As a result, my researching skills have improved dramatically." -- Laura
Contact LCO for information: 310.248.6222 ext. 14 or email clarissa@
Michael Levine is the founder of the prominent public relations firm Levine Communications Office, based in Los Angeles. He is the author of Guerrilla PR, 7 Life Lessons from Noah's Ark: How to Survive a Flood in Your Own Life.
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